Junior Professional School & Sports Class

For children with a special talent and a corresponding motivation, the school offers special remedial classes from Grade I onwards. Admission to the A classes is by recommendation only.

Ballet A Classes



Lessons per week

Level IA

7 – 8 years

2 x 60 minutes

Level IIA

8 – 9 years

3 x 75 minutes

Level IIIA

9 – 10 years

4 x 90 minutes

Level IVA

11 – 12 years

4-5 x 90 minutes

Level VA

12 – 13 years

3 x 90 minutes

2 x 120 minutes

Progression from one level to the next depends on individual progress. From Level IIA onwards, examinations are held at the end of the year.

Sports class

For particularly gifted young dancers of secondary school age and above, the sports class offers the ideal school environment for intensive ballet training.
The Bäumlihof secondary school in Basel and the Gründen school in Muttenz run sports classes in all three years (7th to 9th grade) at A, E and P level.

A recommendation from the Ballettschule Theatertanz Basel is required for admission to the sports class. Further details can be found on the websites of the cantons.
Pupils in the sports class attend weekly training sessions in classical ballet of 3x 90 minutes and 2 x 120 minutes as well as 90 minutes of modern dance and 1 lesson of yoga.


Semester fee:
2x per week 60 minutes CHF 800.–
3x per week 75 minutes CHF 1400.–
4x per week 90 minutes CHF 1600.–
5x per week 90 minutes CHF 1700.–
Sports class CHF 1950.–

Registration for trial lesson

    Child details:

    Parents details: